Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus. Suspendisse nec ornare erat. Phasellus nec dolor non enim finibus varius. Morbi sollicitudin, magna eu maximus laoreet, felis nisi rhoncus elit, quis cursus diam leo vel velit. Vivamus nec venenatis nunc. Sed malesuada ligula et luctus ullamcorper. Nunc vehicula aliquam lobortis vel neque eu justo varius vulputate varius consectetur dolor sollicitudineu turpis posuere blandit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus quam ut lectus porttitor, ut ultricies libero cursus.
The journey of Surcos Wines began in 1999, where I, Luies Gallegos, embraced working in the wine industry just like my grandfather and father. As a quick learner, I grasped as much knowledge as I could while working in the cellar. I was offered the opportunity to be a Cellar Master and worked under great people and mentors. I then undertook the knowledge of winemaking and have dedicated many years to learning every essential stage of winemaking, from tending to the Surcos all the way to bottling wine.
Etiam ut mauris vehicula, lobortis orci in, lobortis erat. Aliquam eu tempus quam, ut cursus eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sodales ipsum at maximus commodo. Nullam scelerisque massa nunc, a sollicitudin est rutrum eget. Nam egestas sodales luctus. Fusce ultricies laoreet euismod. Fusce quis lectus enim. Donec rhoncus mi nec lacus egestas, quis volutpat massa pharetra. Ut id gravida ante, ut placerat mi. In iaculis nulla ac ante scelerisque, non sollicitudin nisl ultrices. Duis ut ultrices ante, et tempus elit.
Etiam ut mauris vehicula, lobortis orci in, lobortis erat. Aliquam eu tempus quam, ut cursus eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sodales ipsum at maximus commodo. Nullam scelerisque massa nunc, a sollicitudin est rutrum eget. Nam egestas sodales luctus. Fusce ultricies laoreet euismod. Fusce quis lectus enim. Donec rhoncus mi nec lacus egestas, quis volutpat massa pharetra. Ut id gravida ante, ut placerat mi. In iaculis nulla ac ante scelerisque, non sollicitudin nisl ultrices. Duis ut ultrices ante, et tempus elit.
The Bracero Program opened up doors for many including Enrique Gallegos Senior. The Pioneer who started it all in his small town. Enrique was one of the first to enter the Bracero Program. With Ambition and many talents, he sought out for the Napa Valley to help with the agriculture and establish roots in wine county. Enrique was a hard worker but also a family man. He made his mark as the patriarch to his family and respected by his friends.
Enrique “Tito” Gallegos. Over 41 years as an experienced Agriculture/Vineyard foreman. He retained what his father Enrique Senior taught him and that was to be a hard diligent worker and the best father/Husband and family man he could be. Current day he is still working and teaching his grandchildren the practices of the vineyard and to embrace their rich Mexican culture. Tito has a passion for Viticulture and teaching the ones he loves the practices he learned from his father, He enjoys watching his grandchildren and teaching them what he has grown to love.. being in the vineyard with family.
With the passion his grandfather and father passed onto him, Luies Gallegos decided to put his knowledge and strong influences into creating Surcos. Born and Raised in the Napa Valley, Luies is the creator and brains behind the operations, he has planted the seed and intends to grow his brand and make some of the finest Napa Valley Wines with his family by his side as his hero’s once did.
From a young age, Luies always had a fascination with the Napa Valley and the craft of creating luscious, beautiful wines for enthusiast and wine lovers. Luies has spent countless hours in all aspect of the wine industry. From being in a vineyard, in a cellar to creating wines, his passion grew and it has now become a brand and label that means so much to him.
There are 2 wines that launched Surcos’ first success, the award winning Surcos Rose and the summer favorite Surcos Sauvignon Blanc, Luies is busy creating more wines for the Surcos wine portfolio and is excited to release future great wines.
In his free time Luies takes pride in being a devoted husband and wonderful father.. He also takes the time to pass on the family tradition to his children, various members of his family and his friends. Luies has extensive knowledge in the wine industry and takes pride crafting beautiful wines for the world.
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